the following measures should be religiously followed at the Heartfelt Institute of Ministry campus:
COVID-19 Positive Cases
o Staff and students should stay home if they have tested positive for or are showing COVID-19 symptoms. Staff and students who have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19 should also stay home and monitor their health.
Washing of Hands
o Students to practice handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. It is everyone’s responsibility to increase monitoring to ensure adherence among students and staff. If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol provided.
o Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Used tissues should be thrown in the trash and hands washed immediately with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Face Masks
o It is an offence to be found without wearing a face mask. Face coverings should be worn by staff and students as feasible, and are most essential in times when physical distancing is difficult.
o Individuals are reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash their hands frequently.
o Learners are also discouraged from touching their mouths, noses and eyes.
o Always ensure proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings.
Maintaining Healthy Environments
o Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (for example, playground equipment, door handles, sink handles, drinking fountains, tables and chairs) within the Institute at least twice daily or between uses as much as possible. Use of shared objects should be limited where possible, or cleaned between uses. Staff should ensure that there is adequate ventilation when using these products to prevent students or themselves from inhaling toxic fumes.
Shared Objects
o Learners are discouraged from sharing stationery and items that are difficult to clean or disinfect.
o Equipment brought from home should be disinfected.
o Students to ensure that personal belongings are separated from others’ and where possible, kept in individually labeled containers, cubbies or areas.
o Staff to ensure adequate supplies to minimize sharing of high touch materials to the extent possible or limit use of supplies and equipment by one group of students at a time and clean and disinfect between uses.
o Students and staff to avoid sharing electronic devices, books and other learning aids.
o Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible, for example by opening windows and doors. Do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a safety or health risk (for example, risk of falling, triggering asthma symptoms) to students using the facility.
Water Systems
o Drinking fountains should be cleaned and sanitized.
o Staff and non-resident students are encouraged to bring their own water to minimize use and touching of water fountains.
Modified Layouts
o Space seating/desks should be at least one metre apart.
o Desks to face in the same direction (rather than facing each other), or students to sit on only one side of tables, spaced apart.
Physical Barriers and Guides
o Ensure physical barriers, such as sneeze guards and partitions, particularly in areas where it is difficult for individuals to remain at least one feet apart (for example, reception desks).
o Follow provided physical guides, such as tape on floors or sidewalks and signs on walls, to ensure that staff and students remain at least one metre apart in lines and at other times (for example, guides for creating “one way routes” in hallways).
Communal Spaces
o Stagger use of shared spaces such as dining halls and playgrounds with shared playground equipment and clean and disinfect between uses.
o One person to use shower or bathroom sink at a time.
Food Service
o Students to be served with personal plates and to be served individually plated meals in classrooms instead of in a communal dining hall.
o All non-disposable food service items to be handled with gloves and washed with dish soap and hot water. Individuals should wash their hands after removing their gloves or after directly handling used food service items.
o If food is offered at any event, have pre-packaged boxes or bags for each attendee instead of a buffet or family-style meal. Avoid sharing food and utensils.
Gatherings, Visitors and Field Trips
o Pursue virtual group events, gatherings, or meetings, if possible, and promote social distancing of at least two metres between people if events are held. Limit group size to the extent possible.
o Limit any non-essential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations as possible – especially with individuals who are not from the local geographic area.
o Pursue virtual activities and events in lieu of field trips, student assemblies, special performances and school-wide parent meetings, as possible.
o Pursue options to convene sporting events and participation in sports activities in ways that minimizes the risk of transmission of COVID-19 to players, families, coaches, and communities.
Identifying Small Groups and Keeping Them Together (Cohorting)
o Student and staff groupings to remain as static as possible by having the same group of students stay with the same staff as much as possible.
o Mixing between groups should be minimal.
o Non-resident students are not allowed in dormitories.
Above all these measures, the Institute continuously emphasizes good hygiene, washing of hands with soap under running water, social distancing and wearing of masks. The Institute shall provide enough sanitisers, personal protective clothing for staff and scanners to constantly check on students’ temperatures.